One of the major reasons for an employee leaving their job is more often than not, their immediate boss/supervisor or management. Overseeing people should no longer be viewed as just a responsibility but more as a skill that needs to be developed and improved to deal with different types of people with an organization.

There is some substance when top organizations attribute their success to the people working for it. When an organization treats its employees as its most valuable asset, they become more productive and competitive on diverse fronts. Such organizations believe in building a favourable brand perception, both externally and internally, thus creating an employee friendly work environment.

A great manager motivates people to perform better and is able to share his/her vision with the staff and get their inputs. Leadership that is genuine utilizes the talent of people to bring about better productivity, as employees begin to emulate their senior’s positive attitude and vision.

Mastering the Art of Managing People

When a firm becomes too entangled with rules, policies, guidelines and regulations, creativity and innovation gets killed. Employees follow the working hours assigned, without any interest in achieving the vision, mission and goals of a firm. A firm that does not create a conducive work atmosphere will only lead to more people who have a ‘why rock the boat’ attitude. Employees are the best resources for innovative solutions as they are closest to your customers, business and related processes. Tap into this pool of resource by instilling confidence and showing trust in your employees.

The mark of a good leader is the ability to recognise the potential between people, nurture their talents and harness their intellectual capability for the benefit of the organization.

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